Sneak Peek - Flowers & Books - Freebies & Discounts - It’s been a while

Manuka Cluster is available at the new online platform of Rita Edited

It’s been a long time since I’ve given you all a good update on my world.

Well I had my long awaited carpal tunnel surgery at the start of this year. The surgery was such a great success and has healed fabulously. I am now totally back to ‘normal’ (definitely a relative term :-) .. no really, I am working comfortably in my workshop most days as well as comfortably doing all the admin tasks needed to run a business.

I have had a contemplative winter, asking myself lots of deep questions about the past, present and future. I really don’t mind a deep dive and a delve into the human abyss (what I call pems - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) , so much change and good and acceptance can come out of the murky depths.

So one of my changes for this year is to get back on board with ‘marketing’ my art and myself .. hence you see me in your inbox.

Here’s some of what you’ll see when you scroll down

  • favourite flower/plant in my garden

  • my favourite book - for now

  • what I’m working on

  • what I’m learning in life

  • what I’m excited about at the mo

  • and a special offer or two just for email subscribers

Flower ..
mmmm so many to choose from :-)
Although this has been a windy and wet Spring here in Northland, there are still some beautiful flowers on display.
May favourites at the moment would be the Paulownia and the Gladiolus murielae, both having a really lovely delicate scent.
The Paulownia is a beautiful stately tree, with little sucker trees coming up from the roots, possibly annoying in a small section, but I love taking them each year and planting more of them out on the 5 acres, very easy to grow and if you wait long enough it has really good timber.

I see the gorgeous purple Wisteria has photo bombed the Paulownia :-) it too has beautiful fragrant flowers.
I have been nurturing the Gladioli for several years now and this year have been rewarded with it’s first flowering, white flowers with a maroon blotch in the throat and with lovely strong linear leaves.

Book ..
I thought I’d start sharing my love of books with you.
I really benefit from reading, it’s my quiet time in the morning while I have my breakfast, it stops me jumping straight into work and it keeps my head from spinning - too fast :-) I also read in bed almost every Sunday morning for several hours :-)
I pretty much only read novels and I have a tendency to alternate my reads, action/adventure/thriller with what I call fluffy/light/drama novels. Got to keep a balance :-)

So this months pic is definitely Friday Nights by Joanna Trollope “one of the finest chroniclers of the way we live now”
I found this book so insightful into really complex relationships, I felt like every time I opened the book it showed me another way of looking at some issue/challenge that I had been thinking of. Sometimes it was just a couple of words e.g. summoned heroic energy - elaborately uninterested - deftly transfer responsibility. And then there were full sentences that had me pondering for days e.g. She might be swept away in a flood of destructive regrets and longings - If you hold back from plunging in, while anything enriching is on offer, the alternative seems to be more than dust and ashes and a criminal squandering of being alive.
Thanks Joanna for such a great read.

What I’m working on ..
Matches Matches and more matches :-) :-)
Normally I make a batch of these each year, they are quite popular at the moment so I’m on my second batch. I do really enjoy making them.
People often ask how I go about ‘burning’ then, in case you didn’t know, they are fully carved wood and then hand painted as though burnt.
I’m hoping to get this batch our for early summer .. fingers crossed.
Do be in touch if you want to snap up a pair or triptych.
Teeny at 27cm long - Medium at 95cm long and I’ve made a few large sets at 160cm long.

Have you seen the cute as match making video on my website media page .. or FB or IG ?

There are a few match sets currently available at The Art Shed in Napier and Inc Design Store in Oamaru.

What I’m learning in life ..
This harks back to the book sentence that has affected me greatly … to not squander being alive.

What I’m excited about ..
A lot of you might not know that I am a sometimes ceramicist, porcelain clay is a medium I really enjoy working with ……. so I’m doing some pretty exciting work for the upcoming year long exhibition at the Kaipara Coast Sculpture Gardens, it’s being hung at the end of November and opens December 1st.
I will let you in on more details next month, but just letting you know I’m pottering about most evenings getting my hands good and dirty …. the clothes, mugs, hair , kettle, headphones and keyboard can attest to this :-)
Here’s a little glimpse to get you guessing :-)

A Special Offer or two just for subscribers .. until November 10th or while stocks last
Each email I send out will have different special offers and discounts as a Thank You for subscribing. This months offers :-)
Trypophobia warning **
With every purchase from my website I would like to give each customer a set of 5 Lotus Play porcelain discs FREE. These discs are an invitation to question, to explore and evaluate our perception of the small part we play in the greater whole.
Wall or body jewellery.
Set valued at $35. I’ll send you the hanging pins too :-)
There’s no need to anything re this, I will simply enclose the discs with each order :-)
If you don’t want the Lotus Play, please just let me know and I’ll send something else .

2. Oh and just a reminder that as a subscriber to my newsletter you will receive 5% off your first order .. type in the code WELCOME.
And for those repeat buyers .. take 10% with the code ILOVEART.


I am also so appreciative of the work that my galleries put in .. to keep you connected with what I have where, I’m going to mention a couple in each email, do go have a look in person if you are able or check them out online, most have a website.
Pop over to my website for a full list of my wonderful stockists … :-)

Well I think I’ve taken up enough of your time :-)
Thanks for hanging out with me for a bit.
Until next time .. Take Care

Liz x